Wildfly 10.1 stopd deployment after deploying

2019-08-26 01:11发布


I am deploying a WebApplication with several separate war and ear-files to a wildfly 10.1 server.

What I do is this: I clean the deployments, data/content and tmp folder, then copy all necessary war and ear files into the deployments-folder.

Then, I start the Server either in Debug-Mode via Spring Tool Suite 3.8.1 (basically Eclipse Neon) or directly via standalone.sh.

The server starts up normally, gets deploys all projects and publishes this message:

[org.jboss.as] (Controller Boot Thread) WFLYSRV0025: WildFly Full 10.1.0.Final (WildFly Core 2.2.0.Final) started in 326001ms - Started 5819 of 6193 services (642 services are lazy, passive or on-demand)

The next message that follows, roughly half a second later, is the first Unregistered web context-message, followed by a general deployment stop. There is no message in the log connected to this, neither an ERROR, nor a WARNING, SEVERE or FATAL in sight.

After stopping all Deployments, the server still runs, but no context is reachable.

When deploying the applications one-by-one, the server accepts, deploys and keeps running, which leads be to believe that there is something wrong with the server itself.

the memory-relevant VM-Arguments are these: -Xms1024m -Xmx4096m. The server does not run on a timeout, as that has been thorougly tested and produces error messages.


Okay, long story short: comment was solution.

The parameters deployment-timeout in standalone.xml and jboss.as.management.blocking.timeout as command line parameter do work together on the same thing, considering blocking the command line parameter seemingly has precedence.

So if both values are set, and the management blocker is higher than the deployment-timeout, the following happens:

  • Deployment is started
  • Deployment timeout triggers
  • Management timeout still has time left and does not trigger to stop the server
  • Applications deploy within the management timeout period.
  • The After-Deployment Scanner checks the deployments directory for failures
  • Deloyment-timeout marked all deployments as failures
  • All Deployments are being undeployed as they are faulty

So: No error message, Deployment as usual, followed by instant undeployment. Should anyone else have that, check those values.