Missing Code Signing Entitlements - No entitlement

2019-08-26 00:17发布


I'm getting letters from iTunes connect with the following error: Missing Code Signing Entitlements - No entitlements found in bundle for executable However, there were some successful trials, when the app was submitted and set to inactive status without any errors . But when I tried to submit it again with the same code signing settings I got this error. Has anyone got the same problem and is there any way out of it? Thanks in advance


Go to projects Target then Build Setting ,serach for code signing set Provisioning profile & code signing identtity & run the app. refer this link https://developer.apple.com/library/ios/documentation/IDEs/Conceptual/AppStoreDistributionTutorial/CreatingYourTeamProvisioningProfile/CreatingYourTeamProvisioningProfile.html