
Azure not redirecting after login

2019-08-25 20:15发布


I have been following the https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/app-service-mobile/app-service-mobile-android-get-started-users for configuring my app for logging into Google using Azure authentication services, I'm getting a login screen where I click on a account and log in.

but, I'm routed to the following successfully logged in screen with no redirect to my app:

I have quadrupled checked my redirect URLs and other URLs and done the following: 1) Google credentials ID & key for web application, 2) SHA-1 for Android app generated using debug.keystore, 3) Authentication / Authorization Azure backend setup as listed in the Azure training site.

The probability still I think rests with the URL formatting problem but I have tried everything from easyauth.callback to /.auth/login/google/callback and https to http but its not redirecting to my app and not providing authentication

I'm using the To-Do list example.


My advice would be to downgrade to 2.0 or 3.0 Azure Mobile Client. I know that is not a great answer. But I have been stuck at the same place you have been. For over a week. I am in the process of switching my app to replicate Adrian Hall's sample project which is set up to run on 2.0 Azure Mobile Client. https://adrianhall.github.io/develop-mobile-apps-with-csharp-and-azure/chapter2/enterprise/


I finally figured it out! I think this is the same issue you are having. You can not have your Url Scheme start with a capital letter. yes... it's that simple. Stumped me for over 2 weeks. my Url Scheme was "ToDoList53172" and I switched it to "todolist53172" and it worked. I think that only the starting letter needs to be undercase, but I just did it to all letters lol.


The solution is to properly format the redirectURL and setup in your app. For instance, to configure zumo e2e test app with URL scheme "ZumoE2ETestApp", you simply add "ZumoE2ETestApp://easyauth.callback" in the "ALLOWED EXTERNAL REDIRECT URLS" setting.