Pug (Jade) extra space added between formatted tag

2019-08-25 18:54发布


I use Gulp, webpack and pug(jade). The issue is with the dist-code that has an extra space because of formatting on build.


  each item in items
      if kkk == 2

and the resulting (dist) .html is something like this:

<label for="ааааа">set to 
    <abbr title="Scalable Vector Graphics">SVG/</abbr>
    <abbr title="Joint Photographic Experts Group">JPEG</abbr>

and looks like:

set to SVG/ JPEG

How to remove the space after '/', or to change something to make it look like:

set to SVG/JPEG

and here is my code:

+mixin dd['svg', 'sdf sdfsdsd SVG', , , , [['Scalable Vector Graphics', 3]]],

mixin dd(list)
- var words = [];
- var abbr = [];
each item, i in list
    - var words = [];
    - var abbr = [];
    +e.INPUT(id= it[0])
        - words = item[1].match(/[^\s\/]+\/?/g)
        each elem, i in words
            if it[3] != undefined && it[3].indexOf(i + 1) != -1
                    +other(it[5], abbr, i, words.length, elem)
                +other(it[5], abbr, i, words.length, elem)

mixin other(abbrs, abbr, i, wordslength, elem)
    if abbrs != undefined && abbrs.some(elem => (abbr = elem)[1] == (i + 1))
        abbr(title= abbr[0])

In other words, need to make

<abbr title="Scalable Vector Graphics">SVG/</abbr>
<abbr title="Joint Photographic Experts Group">JPEG</abbr>

be one line inside the resulting build (dist) code:

<abbr title="Scalable Vector Graphics">SVG/</abbr><abbr title="Joint Photographic Experts Group">JPEG</abbr>

display: inline-block; changes nothing. Checked other several similar questions - irrelevant to this issue.


I'm afraid there is no elegant way around this one.

If you want a quick solution, I recommend setting the font size of the parent element to 0.

If you want to solve it from the Pug perspective, maybe try disabling prettified HTML output in Pug ({ pretty: false })? Not sure whether it will fix it in this case, but it might (the resulting HTML, however, is not pretty anymore).

标签: html gulp pug