Git merging code
Let us say I have a branch called origin/develop , Everytime I work on a new feature I create a new branch from origin/develop as feature/feature_name
Let us say that I am working on the feature for a few days , I made some changes and also commited them to the remote feature/feature_name brach
Now Let us say that the origin/develop itself was changed meanwhile becuase some other developers commiting to it through pull requests.
If i create a pull request now to merge the code from feature/feature_name to origin/develop Stash does not like it.
I am using intellij idea to interact with Git , What is a clean way to get the changes that were made in origin/develop into my branch
Clean way to merge changes
Create a branch from develop
Checkout to develop branch
git checkout develop
get latest, as many developers pushed their code to develop
git pull
CreateBranch from develop
git checkout -b feature/test_feature
Push, worked for few days on the feature and push your changes to remote feature/test_feature branch
git push -u origin feature/test_feature
Merge changes from your branch to develop
We have two steps
STEP 1: Get latest from develop to feature/test_feature to test the your changes working with latest.
git checkout develop
git pull
git checkout feature/test_feature
git merge --no-ff origin develop
Note: conflicts may occur if the other developer modified the same file that you modified at the same line
STEP 2: Push your chnages from feature/test_feature to develop
git checkout develop
git merge --no-ff origin feature/test_feature
Here are detailed instructions on how to apply changes from master to a feature branch in IntelliJ IDEA: