Python: how key is passed into the function with d

2019-08-25 11:02发布


I'm confused in this code, the allmax passes hand_rank function as the key, but in the definition of allmax, it sets the key to be None, then how the hand_rank passed to this allmax function?

def poker(hands):
    "Return a list of winning hands: poker([hand,...]) => [hand,...]"         
    return allmax(hands, key=hand_rank)

def allmax(iterable, key=None):
    "Return a list of all items equal to the max of the itterable."
    result, maxval = [],None
    key = key or (lambda x:x)
    for x in iterable:
        xval = key(x)
        if not result or xval > maxval:
            result,maxval = [x],xval
        elif xval == maxval:
    return result


That's a default parameter. key would only default to None, if hand_rank was never passed, or was passed empty. You can set a default parameter to be pretty much anything,

def allmax(iterable, key=[])

However in this case, it looks like you want to avoid updating an empty list. If key was set to [ ], it would add to the list on later calls, rather than start with a fresh list.

Here's a good explanation of mutable default parameters, and why None is used to stop unexpected behaviour. And here is someone else on Stack Overflow having the empty list parameter problem.


Default value for parameter in the function definition is used only if that function is called without that parameter.

Very simple example for understanding it:

The definition:

def print_it( message = "Hello!" ):
    print( message)

Calling it without a parameter:

print_it();                          # The default value will be used

gives the output


Calling it with a parameter

print_it( "Give me your money!" )    # The provided value will be used

gives the output

"Give me your money!"

The default value is in this case totally ignored.

标签: python key max