I have see several questions here in Stackoverflow about out parameters in MOQ, my question is how fill this parameter: Lets to code:
public HttpResponseMessage Send(SmsMoRequest sms)
if (sms == null)
return Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest);
SmsMoResponse response;
_messageService.Process(sms, out response);
return Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.Created, response.ToString());
I want to test this post:
public void Should_Status_Be_Create_With_Valid_XML()
// Arrange
var messageServiceMoq = new Mock<IMessageService>();
SmsMoResponse response;
messageServiceMoq.Setup(mock => mock.Process(It.IsNotNull<SmsMoRequest>(), out response));
var client = new HttpClient(_httpServer) { BaseAddress = new Uri(Url) };
// Act
using (var response = client.PostAsync(string.Format("Api/Messages/Send"), ValidContent()).Result)
// Asserts
My response
object in Send method (POST) is used in post response but the _messageService.Process
is responsible to fill the response
In test method Should_Status_Be_Create_With_Valid_XML
I mock _messageService.Process
and response
object is not fill ocorr error Null reference
in Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.Created, response.ToString());
is null!