I'm new to rails and jbuilder, so I'm not sure if this is doable or not. I'm using this autocomplete jquery plugin http://www.devbridge.com/sourcery/components/jquery-autocomplete/ and the response it expects is to be in the format of
suggestions:['Liberia', 'Libyan Arab Jamahiriya', 'Liechtenstein', 'Lithuania'],
data:['LR', 'LY', 'LI', 'LT']
When I try to use jbuilder to return json, I'm getting back a json object with both the keys and values in quotes like
{"query":"Comp","suggestions":"['Test Company','Test Company 2','Test company','tester chester','before create test']","data":"['1','2','3','4','5']"}
It appears that this is causing the plugin to not work, so is there a way I can remove the double quotes from the returned json? Here's what my jbuilder file looks like.
suggestions = ""
data = ""
@companies.each do |company|
suggestions += "'" + company.name + "',"
data += "'" + company.id.to_s + "',"
json.query @query
json.suggestions "[" + suggestions[0...-1] + "]"
json.data "[" + data[0...-1] + "]"