I have a dropdown on my Wordpress page which uses a MySQL query to populate the values from MySQL to the dropdown list
This is the code on my Wordpress page
<form method="POST" action="">
<input type="submit" name="submit">
The code used to generate the dynamic MySQL query is [wpse_233034_shortcode] which I have defined in the functions.php file
add_shortcode('wpse_233034_shortcode', function(){
global $wpdb;
$results1 = $wpdb->get_results ("SELECT `Compound` FROM PNaphtha ORDER BY
echo '<td><select id="Compound" name="Compound">';
echo '<option value="">Select Compound</option>';
foreach ( $results1 as $result1 ) {
echo '<option>'.$result1->Compound.'</option>';
echo '</select></td>';
It seems to be working fine until this point. When I dropdown the list, the value for the Compounds is selected from the PNaphtha table and populated on the screen.
What I want next is to pass the selected value from this dropdown into another shortcode/MySQL query which will fetch some more data associated with the Compound
This is what I have so far, however it does not seem to be be able to "pull" the value from the above dropdown into the next MySQL query
add_shortcode('wpse_233036_shortcode', function(){
global $wpdb;
$Compound = filter_input( INPUT_POST, 'Compound' );
$Compound = $Compound ? $Compound : 'acetone';
$query = $wpdb->prepare( "SELECT * FROM PNaphtha WHERE `Compound` = %s",
$Compound );
$myrows1 = $wpdb->get_results( $query, ARRAY_A );
foreach ( $myrows1 as $row1) {
echo "Compound: ".$row1['Compound'].", "."Formula: ".$row1['Formula'].",
"."Molecular Weight: ".$row1['MW']."<br>";
return ob_get_clean();
Now, the shortcode 'wpse_233036_shortcode' seems to be "working", as the default/static value specified 'acetone' is always queried and echoed on the page, even before I take a dropdown and select any value from the dropdown. This is what I get on page load
Compound: acetone, Formula: C3H6O, Molecular Weight: 58.08
What I want is for the dropdown to be populated using the first MySQL query as it does now
"SELECT `Compound` FROM PNaphtha ORDER BY `SrNo`"
Next, when I select a value from this dropdown, instead of the default 'acetone' the selected value should pass to
"SELECT * FROM PNaphtha WHERE `Compound` = %s", $Compound
I was able to get this to work using static/non-SQL queried dropdown list as shown below based on Sally's answer here
<form method="POST" action="">
<select name="C_Option">
<option value=""></option>
<option value="abietic acid">abietic acid</option>
<option value="acenaphthene">acenaphthene</option>
<option value="acetone">acetone</option>
<input type="Submit">