I have a stored procedure which need to run IN statement. I want to know a way to convert a string (list of comma separated integers) to int. In this example, positionID
needs to be converted. Please help. Thanks
Here is my stored procedure:
Create PROCEDURE [dbo].[spCount]
@year varchar(50),
@positionID varchar(50)
ApplicantID, [Name], PositionID, COUNT(*) AS Votes
FROM dbo.vwLog
WHERE Year = @year And PositionID in (@positionID)
GROUP BY ApplicantID, [Name], PositionID
Order By PositionID, Votes DESC
You can take advantage of the fact that SQL Server 2008 now supports table types. You can define a table type and on the .net side construct a DataTable
and pass that as a parameter to your stored procedure. On the SP side that parameter is of type [whatever tabletype you made] Here is an example.
TotalPositions = [Some List] //of CSV List
DataTable Positions = new DataTable(); //Create the Datatype
Positions.Columns.Add("PositionID", typeof(int)); //
foreach (string sPos in TotalPositions.Split(','))
You can then Append Positions as a parameter for your stored procedure
SqlParameter Param = new SqlParameter();
Param.Value = Positions
Param.SqlDbType = SqlDbType.Structured;
Param.ParameterName = @Positions
In your database you have to define a table type as
CREATE TYPE [dbo].[Positions] AS TABLE(
[Position] int NULL,
and in your stored procedure add
@MyPositions Positions Readonly
Now you can treat @MyPositions
as a table in your procedure and compare to it.
Does the list you pass in have to be comma-separated? XML will work for 2005 and beyond:
DECLARE @productIds xml
SET @productIds ='<Positions><id>3</id><id>6</id><id>15</id></Positions>'
DECLARE @Positions TABLE (ID int)
INSERT INTO @Positions (ID) SELECT ParamValues.ID.value('.','VARCHAR(20)')
FROM @productIds.nodes('/Positions/id') as ParamValues(ID)
dbo.vwLog L
@Positions p
ON p.ID = L.PositionID
See SQL Server Split
And combine that with CAST/CONVERT