I'm building a web-app using Two.js which generates shapes and then removes them again after their lifespan is up.
When making the shapes I push them into a new array which I then loop through every frame to check if the lifespan is up. If it is then the shape is removed and spliced from the array.
This works 99% of the time, but sometimes a shape does not get removed from the stage, even though it gets removed from the array. So it gets stuck and there is no reference to it so I can't remove it.
Also if I remove the 'if shape' check in the loop I get this error a lot: Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'creationTime' of undefined which I'm sure means something is not right.
onPeak: (col) =>
circle = @_two.makeCircle @_two.width, @_two.height, @_two.height*0.75
circle.fill = col
circle.lifeSpan = Math.floor @convertToRange(@_bpm, [60,600], [1000, 400])
circle.creationTime = new Date().getTime()
@_shapes.push circle
onTwoUpdate: () =>
if @_shapes.length >= 1
removeShapes: () =>
time = new Date().getTime()
for shape in @_shapes
if shape and time - shape.creationTime >= shape.lifeSpan
@_shapes.splice shape.index, 1