This is my function apply rule, the col mdp_codcat,mdp_idregl, usedRef changechanges according to the data in array bRef.
def withMdpCodcat(bRef: Broadcast[Array[RefRglSDC]])(dataFrame: DataFrame):DataFrame ={var matchRule = false
var i = 0
while (i < bRef.value.size && !matchRule) {
if ((bRef.value(i).sensop.isEmpty || bRef.value(i).sensop.equals(col("signe")))
&& (bRef.value(i).cdopcz.isEmpty || Lib.matchCdopcz(strTail(col("cdopcz")).toString(), bRef.value(i).cdopcz))
&& (bRef.value(i).libope.isEmpty || Lib.matchRule(col("lib_ope").toString(), bRef.value(i).libope))
&& (bRef.value(i).qualib.isEmpty || Lib.matchRule(col("qualif_lib_ope").toString(), bRef.value(i).qualib))) {
matchRule = true
dataFrame.withColumn("mdp_codcat", lit(bRef.value(i).codcat))
dataFrame.withColumn("mdp_idregl", lit(bRef.value(i).idregl))
dataFrame.withColumn("usedRef", lit("SDC"))
dataFrame.withColumn("mdp_codcat", lit("NOT_CATEGORIZED"))
dataFrame.withColumn("mdp_idregl", lit("-1"))
dataFrame.withColumn("usedRef", lit(""))
i += 1
dataFrame : "cdenjp", "cdguic", "numcpt", "mdp_codcat", "mdp_idregl" , mdp_codcat","mdp_idregl","usedRef" if match add mdp_idregl, mdp_idregl,mdp_idregl with value bRef
Exemple: my dataframe :
val DF = Seq(("tt", "aa","bb"),("tt1", "aa1","bb2"),("tt1", "aa1","bb2")).toDF("t","a","b)
| t| a| b| c|
| tt| aa| bb| cc|
file.text content :
case class TOTO(a: String, b:String, c: String, d:String)
val text = sc.textFile("file:///home/X176616/file")
val bRef= => row.split(",", -1))
.map(c => TOTO(c(0), c(1), c(2), c(3))).collect().sortBy(_.a)
def withMdpCodcat(bRef: Broadcast[Array[RefRglSDC]])(dataFrame: DataFrame):DataFrame
dataframe.withColumn("mdp_codcat_new", "NOT_FOUND") //first init not found, change if while if match
var matchRule = false
var i = 0
while (i < bRef.value.size && !matchRule) {
if ((bRef.value(i).a.isEmpty || bRef.value(i).a.equals(signe))
&& (bRef.value(i).b.isEmpty || Lib.matchCdopcz(col(b), bRef.value(i).b))
&& (bRef.value(i).c.isEmpty || Lib.matchRule(col(c), bRef.value(i).c))
)) {
matchRule = true
dataframe.withColumn("mdp_codcat_new", bRef.value(i).d)
dataframe.withColumn("mdp_mdp_idregl_new" = bRef.value(i).e
i += 1
finaly df if condition true
bRef.value(i).a.isEmpty || bRef.value(i).a.equals(signe))
&& (bRef.value(i).b.isEmpty || Lib.matchCdopcz(b.substring(1).toInt.toString, bRef.value(i).b))
&& (bRef.value(i).c.isEmpty || Lib.matchRule(c, bRef.value(i).c)
| t| a| b| c|mdp_codcat |mdp_idregl|
| tt| aa| bb| cc|cc | other |
| ab|aa1|bb2|cc3|cc4 | toto | from bRef if true in while
| cd|aa1|bb2|cc3|cc4 | titi |
| b|a1 |b2 |c3 |NO_FOUND |NO_FOUND | (not_found if conditionnal false)