I currently have a working implementation of Kosaraji's algorithm that, given a directed graph with no weights, will print the SCCs in a graph.
I would like to adapt it so it will also state where the edges between the SCCs are.
Here is the code:
from collections import defaultdict
#---- Definitions ----#
Graph = {}
#Transpose of Graph
Transpose_Graph = {}
#Visited Nodes for Graph
Visited_Nodes_Graph = {}
#Visited Nodes for Transpose Graph
Visited_Nodes_Transpose_Graph = {}
#Stack to process
Stack = []
#---- Definitions ----#
#Based on the number of verticies, create a dictionary where every vertex is the key, and the value are the edges from it to another vertex.
def Generate_Empty_Graphs(Number_of_Verticies):
for Vertex in range(1, Number_of_Verticies+1):
Graph[Vertex] = []
Transpose_Graph[Vertex] = []
Visited_Nodes_Graph[Vertex] = False
Visited_Nodes_Transpose_Graph[Vertex] = False
#Populate Graph with edges
def Populate_Graphs(Head, Tail):
#Run DFS on given Graph, at provided position.
#This is used for DFS #2 (
def Run_DFS(Vertex, Given_Graph, SCC_List):
Visited_Nodes_Transpose_Graph[Vertex] = True
for Adjacent_Vertex in Transpose_Graph[Vertex]:
if(Visited_Nodes_Transpose_Graph[Adjacent_Vertex] == False):
Run_DFS(Adjacent_Vertex, Transpose_Graph[Adjacent_Vertex], SCC_List)
#TODO something here to log it...
return SCC_List
#Process Stack and run DFS
#This is used for DFS #1
def Populate_Stack(Vertex, Given_Graph):
Visited_Nodes_Graph[Vertex] = True
for Adjacent_Vertex in Given_Graph[Vertex]:
if (Visited_Nodes_Graph[Adjacent_Vertex] == False):
Populate_Stack(Adjacent_Vertex, Given_Graph)
def Detect_SCCs(Given_Graph, Number_Of_Verticies):
for Vertex in range(1, Number_Of_Verticies+1):
if(Visited_Nodes_Graph[Vertex] == False):
Populate_Stack(Vertex, Given_Graph)
SCC = []
while(len(Stack) != 0):
Current_Vertex = Stack.pop()
if(Visited_Nodes_Transpose_Graph[Current_Vertex] == False):
SCC = Run_DFS(Current_Vertex, Transpose_Graph, [])
Number_Of_Verticies = 9
Populate_Graphs(1, 2)
Populate_Graphs(2, 3)
Populate_Graphs(3, 1)
Populate_Graphs(3, 4)
Populate_Graphs(3, 7)
Populate_Graphs(4, 6)
Populate_Graphs(6, 5)
Populate_Graphs(5, 4)
Populate_Graphs(7, 8)
Populate_Graphs(8, 9)
Populate_Graphs(9, 7)
Detect_SCCs(Graph, Number_Of_Verticies)
For the given graph:
{1,2,3} -> {8,7,9} {1,2,3} -> {4,5,6}
Meaning, there is an edge between {1,2,3} and {8,7,9}. There is also an edge between: {1,2,3} -> {4,5,6}
However, there is NO edge between {8,7,9} and {4,5,6}
The goal is to keep track of these, to determine the largest amount of SCCs possible to touch starting from any given vertex. How could I modify this code to produce this as a graph?