I'm using PrimeFaces and have a Save button, basically a maintenanceTask is sent to my page, I edit it within here, then press Save and it should be saved to the database and then redirected to the original page. I have a working Save method, but can't seem to get both the navigation and method to fire off.
<p:commandButton value="#{message.commonButtonSave}"
rendered="#{maintenanceTaskEnquiryBean.screenMode == 'editTasks'}"
disabled="#{maintenanceTaskEnquiryBean.outstandingEditCount != 0}"
actionListener="#{maintenanceTaskEnquiryBean.save}" >
There is what I have at the minute, but I have tried many different variations on this including p:button and p:commandButton, listener/actionListener, target/outcome/action etc...
Any suggestions please?