I'm declaring some UIImage arrays:
var animationImages1: [UIImage] = []
var animationImages2: [UIImage] = []
I'm using a background thread to load the images:
DispatchQueue.global(qos: .background).async { () -> Void in
self.animationImages1 = self.createImageArray(total: 57, imagePrefix: "animation1")
self.animationImages2 = self.createImageArray(total: 42, imagePrefix: "animation2")
The function called above:
var imageArray: [UIImage] = []
for imageCount in 1..<total {
var imageName = String(format: "\(imagePrefix)\(imageCount)")
let image = UIImage(contentsOfFile: Bundle.main.path(forResource: imageName, ofType: "png")!)!
//let image = UIImage(named: imageName)!
return imageArray
Then when I want to animate, I'm calling this function:
func animate(imageView: UIImageView, images: [UIImage], duration: TimeInterval) {
imageView.animationImages = images
imageView.animationDuration = duration
imageView.animationRepeatCount = 1
I tried doing both theImageView.stopAnimating()
and theImageView.animationImages = nil
before calling the animation again but didn't notice any improvement to memory management using either.
With UIImage(named:) the images visible in the app start disappearing either partially or completely as memory runs low. With UIImage(contentsOfFile:) the app promptly crashes once memory runs low.
To note: I tried UIImage(named:) with the images in the Assets catalog, and then switched to UIImage(contentsOfFile:) with the images dragged in to the project outside of Assets.xcassets
Is it possible to use this function of UIImageView for longer animations (2-5 seconds: 40-150 pngs) with a file size of about 450k each, or is it too much a memory strain regardless of how you go about it?
It currently runs without an issue on a newer iPad Pro, and using Xcode's simulator it runs well (but eats a lot of memory) on all device sizes. On an iPhone X and an iPhone 8 Plus, it runs out of memory pretty early on - after playing through 5 to 10 animations or so.
Am I missing something, is it not possible, or do I need to do further research on ways to keep memory in check while running these large UIImage arrays through startAnimating()?
Memory usage is not going down. I must be caching this somewhere...
Thanks for any help!