I have a dataframe (df) with admission and discharge dates of patients, with 4 columns:
ID, admitDate (as date), dcDate (as date), los (length of stay in days).
$ admitDate : Date, format: "2009-09-19" "2010-01-24" "2010-09-30" ...
$ dcDate : Date, format: "2009-09-23" "2010-01-27" "2010-10-04" ...
$ los : num 4 3 4 25 6 3 6 2 2 3 ...
I need to be able to tell at any given time how many patients (and which patients) were admitted. That is, I think I need to find out the overlap between the patients' los. Here is how I'm defining overlap: (df$admitDate[x] <= df$disDate[y]) & (df$admitDate[y] <= df$disDate[x])
Any help is much appreciated.
Here is the output of dput for the first 20 patients:
> dput(head(df,20))
structure(list(Unit.Number = c(2013459L, 2013459L, 2047815L,
1362858L, 1331174L, 2068040L, 1363711L, 2175972L, 2036695L, 1426614L,
1403126L, 2083126L, 1334063L, 1349385L, 1404482L, 2175545L, 1296600L,
1293220L, 1336768L, 2148401L), admitDate = structure(c(14506,
14633, 14882, 15172, 14945, 15632, 15482, 15601, 16096, 15843,
16013, 15548, 15436, 15605, 16115, 15597, 15111, 15050, 15500,
15896), class = "Date"), dcDate = structure(c(14510, 14636, 14886,
15197, 14951, 15635, 15488, 15603, 16098, 15846, 16016, 15552,
15438, 15606, 16118, 15598, 15113, 15058, 15501, 15915), class = "Date"),
los = c(4, 3, 4, 25, 6, 3, 6, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 2, 1, 3, 1,
2, 8, 1, 19)), .Names = c("Unit.Number", "admitDate", "dcDate",
"los"), row.names = c(NA, 20L), class = "data.frame")
First, I tried the code suggested by G. Grothendieck:
days <- seq(min(df$admitDate), max(df$dcDate), "day")
no.patients <- data.frame(
Date = days,
Num = sapply(days, function(d) sum(d >= df$admitDate & d <= df$dcDate)),
Patients = sapply(days, function(d)
toString(df$Unit.Number[d >= df$admitDate & d <= df$dcDate]))
And here is what happened:
> days <- seq(min(df$admitDate), max(df$dcDate), "day")
Error in seq.int(0, to0 - from, by) : 'to' cannot be NA, NaN or infinite
> no.patients <- data.frame(Date = d,
+ Num = sapply(days, function(d) sum(d >= df$admitDate & d <= df$dcDate)))
Error in data.frame(Date = d, Num = sapply(days, function(d) sum(d >= :
object 'd' not found
Then, I thought maybe I need to get rid of NA's. So here is what I did:
> df <- df[rowSums(is.na(df)) < 0, ]
And tried again. Here is what I got:
> days <- seq(min(df$admitDate), max(df$dcDate), "day")
Error in seq.int(0, to0 - from, by) : 'to' cannot be NA, NaN or infinite
In addition: Warning messages:
1: In min.default(numeric(0), na.rm = FALSE) :
no non-missing arguments to min; returning Inf
2: In max.default(numeric(0), na.rm = FALSE) :
no non-missing arguments to max; returning -Inf
> no.patients <- data.frame(Date = d,
+ Num = sapply(days, function(d) sum(d >= df$admitDate & d <= df$dcDate)))
Error in data.frame(Date = d, Num = sapply(days, function(d) sum(d >= :
object 'd' not found