I am trying to store some geojson points in mongo db.Here is the mongoose schema I have defined.
new mongoose.Schema({
loc:{ type: [Number], index: '2dsphere'}
Next I am trying to run a near operator to find out some points nearby.This is how I have defined the near query.
Model.where('loc').near({ center: { type:"Point",coordinates: [10,10] }, maxDistance: 20 }).exec(function(err,data){
if (!err && data) {
} else {
But this is returning an error value as follows:
{ [MongoError: Can't canonicalize query: BadValue geo near accepts just one argu ment when querying for a GeoJSON point. Extra field found: $maxDistance: 20] name : 'MongoError' }
If i remove the maxDistance
it is returning all the collection elements.
Any idea why this error is coming?Thanks in advance for any help