Hello i'm using Google Charts Plugin to my CakePHP application.
In my Controller i do: There are two functions that return two graphs.
function statistics() {
FUNCTION timePerProject
function timePerProjectChart() {
$totalProjeto = $this->timePerProject();
$tempoTotalGasto = $this->tempoTotalInvestido();
//Setup data for chart
$timePerProjectChart = new GoogleChart();
$timePerProjectChart->options(array('title' => "Percentagem de Tempo (horas) investido por Projeto"));
//Each column key should correspond to a field in your data array
'projects' => array(
'type' => 'string',
'label' => 'Projeto'
'tempoGasto' => array(
'type' => 'time',
'label' => '% horas'
//You can also use this way to loop through data and creates data rows:
foreach ($totalProjeto as $row) {
$percentagemTempoGasto = ($this->timeToHour($row[0]['tempogasto']) / $tempoTotalGasto[0][0]['tempogasto']) * 100;
$timePerProjectChart->addRow(array('tempoGasto' => $percentagemTempoGasto, 'projects' => $row['Project']['pname']));
//Set the chart for your view
$this->set('timePerProjectChart', $timePerProjectChart);
In my view (statistics) i do :
<div id="chart_div" ><?php $this->GoogleChart->createJsChart($timePerProjectChart);
but I just can not see a single graph. I tested (individually) each and are functioning. I'll wish to put multiple charts on the same view.
Is it possible?