On a click I store a variable. I would like to then trim that variable for all whitespace. I am getting an error when I to simply console.log the new variable.
var songToTrim = $(this).html();
var songToPlay = songToTrim.replace(/ /g,'');
For bonus points if you can add how to make sure the variable is converted to all lowercase that would be huge. If not it'll still work. Thanks!
Here is my solution
$("#test").on('click', function(){
var songToTrim = $(this).html();
var trm = songToTrim.replace(/ /g,'');
var songToPlay = trm.toLowerCase();
Use .toLowerCase()
to convert your variable to Lower Case.
The error you are getting is because you have a typo in your code somewhere. You have misspelled Console
as Consle
Find it and correct it.
Here is a working Demo
Use it like this:
var str = songToTrim.trim().replace(/\s+/g, ' ');
var lower = str.toLowerCase();