I think my question here: Problems flushing Magento Redis Cache on an installation with a separate backend server is a little too specific, based on the small number of views it's getting, so I'm asking a simpler, more general question.
The details of my problem are in the linked question. But the gist of it is that if I try to refresh a cache or flush magento cache from the admin area, it tries to clear stuff that looks like "zc:ti:403_FPC" which does not exist. Instead, they are named “zc:ti:109_FPC” and the like. Some 403 keys exist, but there are many more 109s.
My suspicion is that the problem is caused by having the admin on a separate server and a different subdomain (admin.example.com). Because when the app servers make and clear keys they seem to name them 109, while the admin server makes 403 keys. Or maybe the problem having multiple app servers. Or using redis.
Since my real problem is too specific, it would be a good start if someone could tell me how the names are made when they are saved, and what names are used when they are retrieved. Thanks.
Edit: I tested out something really quickly. It seems that using the admin to refresh caches calls
Mage::app()->getCacheInstance()->clean() etc.
getCacheInstance() looks like:
* Get core cache model
* @return Mage_Core_Model_Cache
public function getCacheInstance()
if (!$this->_cache) {
return $this->_cache;
I tried doing this one time
And it seemed to work! I need to poke around a little bit more to be sure. getCache looks like this:
* Retrieve cache object
* @return Zend_Cache_Core
public function getCache()
if (!$this->_cache) {
return $this->_cache->getFrontend();
Is there any reason why one would use getCacheInstance over getCache for refreshing the caches? Is there any reason why this would only affect me and not everyone else?
EDIT again:
It only worked because it sent a flushdb command.
EDIT yet again:
I've been poking around, and I came upon some interesting stuff in Zend/Cache/Core.php. I found an option called 'cache_id_prefix'. It sounded promising. When I ran the following on my admin server:
$cip = Mage::app()->getCache()->getOption('cache_id_prefix');
echo $cip;
I got "403_" - exactly the value that I expected. I tried it on the app server and got "109_". Now, I just need to find where these options are set with setOption().