am trying to fetch some data from a form, but i cant for some reason.
here are some lines of my code.
cellphone: <input type = "text" name = "cellphone"><br />
username : <input type = "text" name = "username"><br />
$cellphone = $_GET["cellphone"];
//$cellphone = int() $cellphone;
$username= $_GET["username"];
$link = mysql_connect('myhost', 'myuser', 'mypass') or die("could not connect to database");
mysql_select_db ('hunter',$link) or die ("could not find database");
echo "fetced database";
//injecting user info into database
mysql_query("INSERT INTO player values ('','$firstname','$lastname','$location','$cellphone','$username','$email','$password')")or die("could not inject into database.");
but i can not get the cell number to get into my database for some reason.
please help me :D
you should must sanitize all incoming variables!
then, to cast to an integer, you can use:
$cellphone = (int) $_GET["cellphone"];
A better solution is to use filter_var();
$cellphone = filter_var( $_GET["cellphone"], FILTER_VALIDATE_INT);
You should read about input validation/sanitazion and filter_var before writing any further code.
now, before people start to advice mysql_real_escape_string()
(which does the job, but is not the best solution), take a look at prepared statements through either PDO or MySQLi
- Replace die("msg") with die(mysql_error()) in order to debug the reason of the failure
- Don't insert user provided data directly into the DB, use mysql_real_escape_string() or similar to sanitize the data and protect against SQL injections
- if the problem is that you phone field is declared as int into the DB, then assure it is an integer before performing the insert. You can try to cast to int, but I think you should perform some more accurate sanitization on the data, checking the expected "admitted" format and type for each field and returning a per field error to the user in case of mis-insertion
By the way, if you store a phone number as an integer you cant handle very well the international prefix (+39 or 0039 for Italy for example), as "+" is not a number, and "00" would be lost in the cast to integer ....
this may be that your mysql column only accepts INT but input is alphanumeric. in this case, you may use $cellphone = filter_var($_GET['cellphone'], FILTER_SANITIZE_NUMBER_INT);
if you are expecting an integer-only input