I have this code:
embed=discord.Embed(title="Commands - Type '/help [command prefix]' for command info!", color=0xff0d13)
embed.set_footer(text="!blacklist, !clean, !clear, !disconnect, !id, !joinserver, !listids, !np, !pause, !perms, !play, !pldump, !queue, !restart, !resume, !search, !setavatar, !setname, !setnick, !shuffle, !shutdown, !skip, !summon, !volume")
await self.bot.say(embed=embed)
and I keep getting this error:
AttributeError: module 'discord' has no attribute 'Embed'
But I don't know whats causing it; I have tried installing discord.py
again but this still happens.. is it to do with the code itself or something else?