In the following code currentregion = 'BC'
and Regions = 'ABC'
I am trying to find the currentregion
in the Regions
and normally it should hit else
as the if
condition is false
But it returns true
as InStr
searches part of the string not string vs string. So BC being part of ABC it enters the if loop.
Is there a function in Classic ASP that I can compare a string to string but not part of the string like InStr function.
RegionSQL = "SELECT * FROM Regions Where Auth <= " & Session("U_Auth") & ";"
Set rsRegion=Server.CreateObject("recordset")
rsRegion.Open RegionSQL,TheDB
If NOT rsRegion.EOF And NOT rsRegion.BOF Then
While Not rsRegion.Eof
'Grab Current Region
currentregion = rsRegion("RegionCodeShort")
If InStr(Regions,currentregion) > 0 Then
checked = "checked"
checked = ""
End If