I'm trying to loop through each user's array of sockets and send a message by their socketId... but it's not receiving it on the front end for some reason.
I tried these below, but to no avail.
Sending message to a specific ID in Socket.IO 1.0
Socket.io: Not able send message to particular socket using socket.id
console.log('>> notifyOnline: iterating user...')
// for every socket, send out an emit.
for (var j = 0, arr = subDoc.socketId.length; j < arr; j++ ) {
console.log('>> notfiyOnline: sending out good thoughts to clients...');
console.log('>> EMITTING' + subDoc.socketId[j] + 'is type ' + typeof subDoc.socketId[j] );
// These don't seem to do anything
io.sockets.to(subDoc.socketId[j]).emit('notification:new', packet);
io.to(subDoc.socketId[j]).emit('notification:new', packet);
}; // end - for each socket
}); // end - forEach user
// Listens for users followed online
socketFactory.on('notification:new', function (data) {
console.log('>> worldCtrl: Received live notification');
$scope.$applyAsync(function() {
}); // end - socketFactory
@jfriend00: Data structure for each user in users below. I haven't put in the code to clear old socketId, so some of them are inactive. It's the result of a mongoose query:
// Mongoose Query:
model_onlineUser.find({ 'user._id' : { $in: followers }}, function (err, users) {
// notify users (backend code above)
}); // end - find
// Data structure: user in users
[{ _id: 553b49db2242347514c654a9,
{ _id: '5503530ed3e910505be02cde',
displayName: 'some dudes name',
photo: 'some photo url' },
__v: 28,
[ '5525d19a5fb4ee095072c4ad',
'55067b0638d1c47238ebabbb' ],
[ '2K1_8WQ1JZMUjLx3AAAF',
Edit 2
New: After a user login through passport.js (facebook auth), the redirect causes socket to disconnect, so the socket.id becomes invalid... the problem now is that it is not re-establishing connection ... even with forceNew : true