I have been trying to find documentation to connect to IBM Message Hub through C# Apache Kafka Confluent API, but have not been successful. The official repo on github does not have sample for C#. Has anyone been able to communicate to ibm message hub using C#, if yes can you share the process.
Update: I have had success in communicating with the IBM Message Hub.
librdkafka -... 0.11.0-RC2
Certificate From : https://curl.haxx.se/docs/caextract.html
Confluent.kafka.dll Confluent.Kafka 0.11.0-RC1
private static Dictionary<string, object> constructConfig(string brokerList, bool enableAutoCommit) =>
new Dictionary<string, object>
{ "group.id", "history" },
{ "enable.auto.commit", enableAutoCommit },
{ "auto.commit.interval.ms", 5000 },
{ "statistics.interval.ms", 60000 },
{ "bootstrap.servers", "ibmserver:port" },
{ "default.topic.config", new Dictionary<string, object>()
{ "auto.offset.reset", "smallest" }
{"ssl.ca.location",@"E:\cert\cacert.pem" },
{"api.version.request","true" },
{"security.protocol","sasl_ssl" },
{"sasl.mechanisms","PLAIN" },
{"sasl.username","xxxx" },
{"sasl.password","xxxxx" }
.net Version: 4.5.2
Hope it saves time for someone.
Thanks to Edoardo Comar for guiding me to much needed information.