How to use user input in prolog to search

2019-08-24 05:48发布


hello i want to be able to get the user input then store it and use in in my code.

    body(mercury, 36, small, none, none).
    body(venus, 67, small, atmosphere, none).
    body(earth, 93, small, atmosphere, none).
    body(moon, 93, small, none, none).
    body(mars, 141, small, atmosphere, none).
    body(jupiter, 489, large, atmosphere, rings).

    miles(Body,Miles):-write('Enter the Goal State:'),nl,
           body(Body, Miles, _, _, _); Miles > X.


i switched to GNU prolog firstly which helped.

     miles(Body,Miles):-write('Enter the Goal State:'),nl,
                      body(Body, Miles, _, _, _), Miles > X.