I have a relation in my neo4j database :
Now I want to have a query that returns a list that includes:
- A list of hashtagName and their frequency in the database as
and a list of items that related to this hashtags.
and hashtagItems
have id
Note: I'm receiving the number of hashtag
and hashtagItems
from input parameter as variable.
And this is the result that I expected from my cypher query:
"hashtagList": [
"hashtagName": "hashtagName1",
"hashtagCount": number of times hashtag has been used in database,
"hashtagItems": [ list of relevant items for hashtagName1 ]
"hashtagName": "hashtagName2",
"hashtagCount": number of times hashtag has been used in database,
"hashtagItems": [ list of relevant items for hashtagName2 ]
I've written this cypher:
MATCH p = (r:RateableEntity)<-[t:TAG]-(h:HashTag)
WITH COUNT(hash) as Count, h, hash
WHERE h.tag in hash.tag
MATCH (r:RateableEntity)<-[:TAG]-(h:HashTag)
RETURN DISTINCT h.tag, r.id, Count
but It's returning this result:
h.tag r.id Count
"vanessa" "cdd14968-404c-41e9-84d5-bf147030a023" 15
"vanessa" "b7e74f38-44e4-4b7f-b2c4-8301023ffa9b" 15
"vanessa" "2064d3e4-2995-4202-b178-bb2a6f230ab0" 15
Thanks in advanced for help.
Some things to keep in mind:
Cypher operators execute for each row.
Try not to think of UNWIND as a looping structure. All this does is do a cartesian product of the variables on a row with the elements of a list.
So when you UNWIND a list, you will have a row for each element of the list, along with all the variables that were already present for the row. Then when a subsequent operation happens (like a MATCH or a WITH) that executes for every row, so it seems like a looping structure, but it really isn't.
In any case, UNWIND isn't needed here. For a two-node matched pattern, tail(nodes(p))
will just be a single-element list containing just the last node. It hasn't changed the number of rows (since the list size is 1), and won't help you here.
This query should work better:
MATCH (h:HashTag)
WITH h LIMIT 3 // best to limit early to avoid doing unnecessary work
WITH h, h.tag as hashtagName, size((h)-[:TAG]->()) as hashtagCount, [(h)-[:TAG]->(r:RateableEntity) | r.id] as hashtagItems
WITH h {hashtagName, hashtagCount, hashtagItems} as entry
RETURN collect(entry) as hashtagList
If you want the top 3 hashtags by size, then you can use the modified query below:
MATCH (h:HashTag)
WITH h, size((h)-[:TAG]->()) as hashtagCount
ORDER BY hashtagCount DESC
WITH h, hashtagCount, h.tag as hashtagName, [(h)-[:TAG]->(r:RateableEntity) | r.id] as hashtagItems
WITH h {hashtagName, hashtagCount, hashtagItems} as entry
RETURN collect(entry) as hashtagList
I've found this for my question, maybe someone else need to know:
MATCH (:RateableEntity)<-[:TAG]-(p:HashTag)
RETURN p.tag As Tag, COUNT(p) as Count, [(p)-[:TAG]->(m) | m.id][..3] AS
RateableEntities ORDER BY Count DESC LIMIT 3
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