I'd like to add another option for premium accounts. At the moment you can class change your character every 2 days but I want to add another check to allow every 12 hours for premium users. They are determined from another table in PREMIUM
there is their strAccountID
If they are not premium there will be no rows in that table for their account.
That's my current PHP function which works for all users and allows them to do it every 2 days.
private function doProcessClassChangeFormD()
$db = $this->database[GDB];
$character = $this->site->SanitizeName($_POST['character']);
$num_rows = $db->doQuery('SELECT bNation FROM ACCOUNT_CHAR WHERE strAccountID = ? AND ? IN(strCharID1, strCharID2, strCharID3)', $_SESSION['strAccountID'], $character);
if ($num_rows == -1)
$db->GetError(__file__, __line__);
$this->m_ccError = Template::GetLangVar('DB_ERROR');
return false;
else if ($num_rows == 0)
$this->m_ccError = Template::GetLangVar('CC_INVALID_ACCOUNT');
return false;
$row = $db->doRead();
$nation = $row['bNation'];
$num_rows = $db->doQuery('SELECT Class, Race, Strong, Sta, Dex, Intel, Cha, Points, TransferTime FROM USERDATA WHERE strUserId = ? AND (TransferTime < DATEADD(DAY,-2,GETDATE()) OR TransferTime IS NULL) and zone<>199 and authority<>255', $character);
if ($num_rows == -1)
$db->GetError(__file__, __line__);
$this->m_ccError = Template::GetLangVar('DB_ERROR');
return false;
else if ($num_rows == 0)
$this->m_ccError = Template::GetLangVar('CC_RECENT_TRANSFER');
return false;
$row = $db->doRead();
$oldRace = $row['Race'];
$oldClass = $row['Class'];
$newRace = intval($_POST['race']);
$newClass = intval($_POST['class']);
$pCT = new ClassTransfer($nation, $oldClass, $oldRace, $newClass, $newRace);
if (!($res = $pCT->canChangeClass()))
$this->m_ccError = $pCT->GetError(__file__, __line__);
return false;
$newClass = $res[0];
$newRace = $res[1];
$free = $row['Points'] + $row['Strong'] + $row['Sta'] + $row['Dex'] + $row['Intel'] + $row['Cha'];
$newStats = $pCT->getStarterStats($newClass, $newRace);
for ($i = 0; $i < 5; $i++)
$free -= $newStats[$i];
if ($free > 255)
$_SESSION['bClassTransfer'] = true;
$_SESSION['strUserId'] = $character;
$_SESSION['bNewRace'] = $newRace;
$_SESSION['bNewClass'] = $newClass;
$_SESSION['bStrong'] = $newStats[KO_STR];
$_SESSION['bStamina'] = $newStats[KO_STA];
$_SESSION['bDexterity'] = $newStats[KO_DEX];
$_SESSION['bIntelligence'] = $newStats[KO_INT];
$_SESSION['bCharisma'] = $newStats[KO_CHA];
$_SESSION['bAvailable'] = $free;
$this->m_bSelectPoints = true;
return false;
$newStats[5] = $free;
return $this->doExecuteClassChangeD($character, $newClass, $newRace, $newStats);
I've tried several ways but no success. How I can achieve this?