I have these three frames on a website.
<frame scrolling="AUTO" src="../../vix/thalada/Rangasamy?MokkaKumuta1234567" name="AAN">
<frame scrolling="AUTO" src="../../vix/thalada/Rangasamy?MokkaK****13245678" name="BAN">
<frame scrolling="AUTO" src="../../vix/thalada/Rangasamy?MokkaK****85234175" name="CAN">
This is how it goes:
Set oIE = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.application")
oIE.Visible = True
oIE.navigate ("https://ec.rcuwebportal.au.eds.com/cics/r1cb/rm0p00ba?cb246")
oIE.Document.getElementsByTagName("a").item(0).Click // This works and it clicks on a image button in the frame named AAN. Fine
Next when I tried to access another text box that is present in the frame named BAN , I got the object not found error. Obviousy, because I'm still the frame AAN , but the element belongs to frame BAN.
Below is the textbox that is present in the frame named BAN.
<input type="text" maxlength="30" size="30" value=" " name="BAFREENAME"></input>
How do I access the form control on this frame? Any ideas? Appreciate your help.