Number of files in a directory

2019-08-24 02:14发布


I'm try to find, in only one row, the number of files (*.rar) in a directory.

For doing this I'm using the commands:

for /f "delims=" %i in ('find /c ".rar" "D:\backup e ckpdb ept-icd\test\unload\lista_files_rar.txt"') do echo %i

but the value of %i I have at the end is : D:\BACKUP E CKPDB EPT-ICD\TEST\UNLOAD\LISTA_FILES_RAR.TXT: 8

I would like to obtain only the number 8 so instead to echo the value I would assign the value to a variable.

I use the command line : dir /b *.rar | find /c ".rar" that it returns the value of rar files in the directory, but I can't assign the value to a variable, for example: dir /b *.rar | find /c ".rar" | set/a files =

I tried also to use the keyword tokens=2 but it doesn't work

p.s If it possible to do it only with the find command is also better


See here for example on counting files

Or you can simply do something like this (not tested)

for /F %%j in ('dir /B *.rar ^| find /C /V ""') do set count=%%j


This returns just the number; there might be a cleaner way to do it, but unfortuantly "find" can't take it's input from a pipe (i.e., I can't do dir | find):

@echo off
dir /b *.rar> out.tmp
for /f "usebackq tokens=3" %%i in (`find /c "rar" out.tmp`) do echo %%i
del out.tmp


Try "delims=: tokens=3"

You normally will have two colons in the result, one after the drive letter and one before the number you want, so your number should be token 3


Thank you, I think I will use

for /F %%j in ('dir /B *.rar ^| find /C /V ""') do set count=%%j


In this way I think also if somethink in the name of the dir the result should remain always the same.

which is the difference between :

dir /B *.rar ^| find /C /V "" and

dir /B *.rar ^| find /C ".rar" ?


for /f %a in ('dir "*.txt" ^| find "File(s)"') do set Count=%a


set Count=36

or you can use an arithmetic set and delayed environment variable expansion

set count=0
for %a in (*.txt) do @set /a Count=!Count!+ 1 > nul
echo %count%

