I have a list of "matters." Each matter has an _id and name.
I have a "transaction." Every transaction belongs to a matter by reference to the matter's _id via a transaction.matterId property.
I'm presently working on a user interface to allow making changes to the transaction, including changing the matter to which the transaction is assigned. Like this:
Enter date:
Select a matter: (this is the culprit)
Enter the amount:
I am using handlebars to generate a Bootstrap select input with an option for each matter - i.e., "Select a matter..." This is easily done with handlebars {{ # each }} block helper. All the matters correctly appear as options, and each option's value is correctly assigned. No problem so far...
However, I want the option whose value matches the transaction.MatterId to be pre-selected since this is an update screen. For that, I invoke my custom "IfEquals" helper inside my {{# each }} block. The handlebars template is like this:
<div>Matter: {{ transaction.matterId}}</div> <-- I can see the matterId here.
<div class='form-group'>
<label for="selMatter">Case</label>
<select required id="selMatter" name="matterId" class="form-control">
{{# each matters }}
<option value='{{ _id }}' {{ ifEqual _id ../transaction.matterId "selected" "" }} >{{ name }}</option>
{{/ each }}
The custom helper is this:
ifEqual: function (obj, value, trueString, falseString) {
return ( (obj===value) ? trueString : falseString );
Let's say the 1st <div>
shows a transaction.MatterId of "5." There will be one (and only one) option with a value of "5."
In the handlebars template, I have tried all sorts of possibilities to try to get {{ IfEqual }} to properly compare the 2 values. I tried the transaction.matterId without the "../" to see if it might be a context problem. No luck. I tried using a handlebars subexpression (even with its own helper function). Nope.
I am not getting the proper values inside the {{ IfEqual }} helper, and for that reason, even though the matching <option>
is there, I can't make handlebars add the "selected" attribute to it.
Here is what I believe to be the right place to look, but I am not seeing what I am missing. http://handlebarsjs.com/expressions.html