Is there a way to create DropDownList with Razor and pass second parameter as Linq result instead of default empty item?
The key is that I'm using accumulator function ("Function") so I can not pass null into it (as a answer to that question - Alternative for multiple IF/CASE statements)
If DropDownList is not suitable I would really appreciate an alternative.
public ActionResult Index(string searchFullName, string searchExtension, string searchProject)
var extensionList = new List<string>();
var projectList = new List<string>();
var projects = from n in unitofwork.DomainRepository.Get()
select n.Project;
var extensions = from n in unitofwork.DomainRepository.Get()
select n.Extension;
ViewBag.searchproject = new SelectList(projectList);
ViewBag.searchExtension = new SelectList(extensionList);
return View(unitofwork.DomainRepository.Filter(n => n.Name.Contains(searchFullName), n => n.Extension == searchExtension));
"Filter" method:
public virtual IEnumerable<T> Filter(params Expression<Func<T, bool>>[] filters)
IQueryable<T> query = dbSet;
return filters.Aggregate(query, (a, b) => a.Where(b));
@using (Html.BeginForm()) {
Name: @Html.TextBox("searchFullName")
Extension: @Html.DropDownList("searchExtension", "All") <- *would like to get one extension or all extensions*
Projects: @Html.DropDownList("searchProject","All")
<input type="submit" value="Filters" />
</p> }