Displaying data in Laravel DataTable

2019-08-24 01:57发布


This is how my normal html table looked like. In the table, i display the countries as tabs and under every tab a user clicks, the tables displays teams that belong to the particular country(tab). This works fine.

      <div  class="nav-tabs-custom" id="tabs">

        <ul id="myUL" class="nav nav-tabs">
        @foreach($countries as $country)

           <li ><a href="#tab_{{ $country->id }}" data-toggle="tab" >{!!$country->name!!}</a></li>

        <div class="tab-content">
        @foreach($countries as $key => $country)

          <div class="tab-pane" id="tab_{{ $country->id }}">
          <table class="table" id="tables">
                                    <th colspan="5"></th>
                           <tbody id="list">
           @foreach($country->teams as $team) 
                           <td><input onclick="return show(this)" data-team="{{$team->toJson()}}" type="checkbox" id="{!! $team->id !!}" name="{!! $team->name !!}" value="{!! $team->value !!}" /> </td>
                                    <td width="600">{{$team->name }}</td>
                                     <td>{{ $team->value}}</td>


But now, i am new to datatables and i am trying to convert the html to datatables as below

      <div  class="nav-tabs-custom" id="tabs">

        <ul id="myUL" class="nav nav-tabs">
        @foreach($countries as $country)

           <li ><a href="#tab_{{ $country->id }}" data-toggle="tab" >{!!$country->name!!}</a></li>

        <div class="tab-content">
        @foreach($countries as $key => $country)

          <div class="tab-pane" id="tab_{{ $country->id }}">
          <table class="table" id="tables">
                                    <th colspan="5"></th>



<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function() {

        oTable = $('#tables').DataTable({
            "processing": true,
            "serverSide": true,
            "ajax": "{{ route('datatable.findteam') }}",
            "columns": [
                {data: 'check', name: 'check', orderable: false, searchable: false},    
                {data: 'team_name', name: 'team_name'},  
                {data: 'team_value', name: 'team_value'},



 public function create()
         $countries = Country::where('id', Auth::user()->id)->get();
         return view('create',compact('countries'));

     public function getTeams()
        $countries = Country::where('id', Auth::user()->id)->get();    

        return Datatables::of($countries)->addColumn('check', function ($country) {
            foreach($country->teams as $team){

            return '
            <input onclick="return show(this)" data-team="{{$team->toJson()}}" type="checkbox" id="{!! $team->id !!}" name="{!! $team->name !!}" value="{!! $team->value !!}" />
            })->addColumn('team_name', function ($country) {
                foreach($country->teams as $team){
                 return $team->name;
            })->addColumn('team_value', function ($country) {
                foreach($country->teams as $team){                    
                return  $team->value;



Now my issue is, when i run my project, it only fetches the first team for each country and place them under the first country in the tab showing on the table. How can i make it work like the how it was working in the normal html table above?

Any help is very much appreciated. Thank you


If I'm right you are actually trying to put your teams table on a DataTable. Then this should work for you

public function getTeams($country_id) {
    $teams = Team::where('country_id', $country_id);

    return Datatables::of($teams)
        ->addColumn('check', function (Team $team) {
            return '<input onclick="return show(this)" data-team="'.$team->toJson().'" type="checkbox" id="'.$team->id.'" name="'.$team->name.'" value="'.$team->value.'" />
        })->addColumn('team_name', function (Team $team) {
            return $team->name;
        })->addColumn('team_value', function (Team $team) {                  
            return  $team->value;
        ->rawColumns([x])// x the index for your check column,

*when i run my project, it only fetches the first team for each country and place them under the first country in the tab showing on the table* - this is because on your addColumn you loop through the teams in a country and immediately return the team name.

->addColumn('team_name', function ($country) {
    foreach($country->teams as $team){
        return $team->name; // this team will immediately return as the
                            // value of team_name, that's why you only get
                            //  the first team