GIS data and python are old hat to me but I am very new to web development and geospatial web applications.
I have followed a tutorial and a class that I am taking to get to the below script but I cannot get the resulting geojson object (the polygon layer) to display within leaflet. I can however, log all of the features of the polygon layer to the console. Furthermore, within the console I can clearly see the correct type, properties, and coordinate arrays of the geojson object. I can also clearly see all of the features within the leaflet map object within the console.
Any input would be greatly appreciated. If needed I will be happy to post the getData.php code. I just don't think that is the problem.
var map,
fieldsin = ["campus_nam", "status", "schnumber", "type"],
autocomplete = [];
function initialize(){
map ="mapdiv", {
center: [36.10, -80.25],
zoom: 12
var backgroundLayer = L.tileLayer('http://{s}{z}/{x}/{y}.png').addTo(map);
//adding postgresql layers to map with getData.php
function getData(fieldsin){
url: "php/getData.php",
data: { table: "public.school_campus", fields: fieldsin },
success: function(data){
function mapData(data){
//remove existing map layers
//if not the tile layer
if (typeof layer._url === "undefined"){
//create geojson container object
var geojson = {
"type": "FeatureCollection",
"features": []
//split data into features
var dataArray = data.split(", ;");
//pop off the last value of the array because it is an empty string.
//build geojson features
d = d.split(", "); //split the comma seperated data string up into individual attribute values
var test = d[fieldsin.length].concat("}");
//feature object container
var feature = {
"type": "Feature",
"properties": {}, //properties object container
//"geometry": JSON.parse(d[fieldsin.length]) //parse geometry
"geometry": JSON.parse(d[fieldsin.length]) //parse geometry
//bulding properties for properties container above
for (var i=0; i<fieldsin.length; i++){[fieldsin[i]] = d[i];
//add feature names to autocomplete list
if ($.inArray(, autocomplete) == -1){
//var campusLayer = L.geoJSON(geojson).addTo(map);
var campusLayer = L.geoJSON(geojson, {
style: {
fillColor: "#CC9900",
color: "#66ffff",
weight: 1
onEachFeature: function (feature, layer) {
var html = "";
for (prop in{
html += prop+": "[prop]+"<br>";