Lumen 5.6.4 get post route throwing MethodNotAllow

2019-08-23 16:36发布


whenever i try to access my url for a post in Lumen through the browser or postman i get the below error

Whoops, looks like something went wrong.

in RoutesRequests.php 
at Application->handleDispatcherResponse(array(2, array('POST')))
in RoutesRequests.php 

see route code from web.php below


see code from generateVoucherCode

class VoucherController extends Controller

    public function generateVoucherCode(Request $request){
// generate 16 digit random no.
    $random1 = rand(1111, 9999);
    $random2 = rand(1111, 9999);
    $random3 = rand(1111, 9999);
    $random4 = rand(1111, 9999);
    $voucher_code = ($random1."-".$random2."-".$random3."-".$random4);

    $today = date("Y-m-d");
    $use_once = "yes";
    $request->request->add( ['voucher_code' => $voucher_code,
        'use_once' => $use_once,
        'date_used' => $today,
        'date_created' => $today]);


    return response()->json($voucher_code);

Can someone pls tell me what I am doing wrongly

标签: php lumen-5.4