I've an application which has 32 bit native libraries. When I'm reinstalling the same app with 64-bit libraries, It's unable to create lib softlink which is present in data/data/application-package-name.
This lib softlink maps to data/app/app-package-name-hash/arm(in 32bit) or data/app/app-package-name-hash/arm64(in 64bit)
What's the problem?
Android build system is unable to create lib softlink inside the data/data/app_package_name which maps to data/app/app-package-name-hash/arm(in 32bit) or data/app/app-package-name-hash/arm64(in 64bit)
What error are you seeing? My native code isn’t able to find a file in the shared object which should be inside data/data/app_package_name/lib, hence giving unable to open file error
32-bit strucuture in data/data/application-package-name
64-bit strucuture in data/data/application-package-name
Project strucuture Referenced: https://stackoverflow.com/a/27523384/5047036