
How could i use iCarousel in my project?

2019-08-23 16:14发布


I am a newbie in iphone development and want to implement coverflow. I googled it and came across the opensource iCarousel, but did not understand the way to use it in my project?

Any help would be appreciated.


Download the zipped file from Github. Unzip and open

nicklockwood-iCarousel-da1deb7/Examples/Basic\ iOS\ Demo/iCarouselExample.xcodeproj



looks just like what your view controller, that is supposed to show the carousel, should look like. Note that the view of your view controller will be a custom view of the type :



iCarousel.m class calls that function from its dataSource class. set delegate and datasource of iCarousel object. At sample application, dataSource and delegate is set by interface builder.


Did you go through the example provided here? I didn't try it, but it seems to be straightforward.