I have a question about how to add users to AD using powershell, ive written a small script but i always get an error when i try to create a user.
$connection= "LDAP://ou=Users, dc="domain", dc="com"
$OU = [adsi] $Connection
$User = $OU.Create("user", "Test Person")
$User.Put("Firstname", "Test")
$User.Put("Surname", Person)
$User.Put("Email", "email@e.com")
I think my connection string is wrong, but i tried different ways already and still no success. This im trying locally. Need to get it working but then normally my AD is on different server, how to do it then?
Thanks in advance.
Give this a try:
$container = [ADSI] "LDAP://dc.sopragroup.lan/cn=Users,dc=sopragroup,dc=lan"
$UserName = "user"
$User = $container.Create("User", "cn=" + $UserName)
$User.Put("sAMAccountName", $UserName)
$User.Put("givenName", "Test")
$User.Put("sn", "Person")
$User.Put("mail", "email@e.com")
$User.psbase.InvokeSet('AccountDisabled', $false)
Here is another example (@Andy Arismendi was first) with some other details:
- If you want to give a user and a password (log onto the server with a different user than the current one), you can use the
- An error that is commonly done is that when you create an object in a directory, the name that represent this object in the directory tree is built with the construction :
. In Active-Directory you can't choose the the attribute it's imposed by the schema. For a user
or an inetOrgPerson
it's CN
for an organizationalUnit
it's OU
. In your case the name of the object is CN=Test Person
You'll find here under the creation of an OU and a user.
$dn = New-Object System.DirectoryServices.DirectoryEntry ("LDAP://,dc=fr","administrateur@dom.fr","admin")
# Create an OU
$Monou = $dn.create("OrganizationalUnit", "ou=Monou")
#$Monou.Description = "Une description"
$Monou.put("Description", "Une description")
$Res = $Monou.Setinfo()
# Create a user
$objUtilisateur = $Monou.create("inetOrgPerson", "cn=Marc Assin")
$objUtilisateur.samaccountname = "Massin"
$objUtilisateur.givenName = "Marc"
$objUtilisateur.sn = "Assin"
#$objUtilisateur.displayName = $objUtilisateur.givenName + " " + $objUtilisateur.sn
$objUtilisateur.userPrincipalName = "Massin@dom.fr"
# Pu the state of the account#$objUtilisateur.SetPassword("test.2010")
$objUtilisateur.pwdLastSet = 0
$objUtilisateur.userAccountControl = 544
# Write the datas of the user