My ultimate goal is here, but because I've gotten no replies, I'm starting to learn things from scratch (probably for the best anyway). Basically, I want a script that will identify errors and fix them
Well, the first part of that is being able to ID the errors. Is there a way using Google Script to identify if a cell has an error in it, and return a particular message as a result? Or do I just have to do an if/else that says "if the cell value is '#N/A', do this", plus "if the cell value is '#ERROR', do this", continuing for various errors?. Basically I want ISERROR(), but in the script
Use a helper function to abstract away the nastiness:
function isError_(cell) {
// Cell is a value, e.g. came from `range.getValue()` or is an element of an array from `range.getValues()`
const errorValues = ["#N/A", "#REF", .... ];
for (var i = 0; i < errorValues.length; ++i)
if (cell == errorValues[i])
return true;
return false;
function foo() {
const vals = SpreadsheetApp.getActive().getSheets()[0].getDataRange().getValues();
for (var row = 0; row < vals.length; ++row) {
for (var col = 0; col < vals[0].length; ++col) {
if (isError_(vals[row][col])) {
Logger.log("Array element (" + row + ", " + col + ") is an error value.");
Using Array#indexOf
in the helper function:
function isError_(cell) {
// Cell is a value, e.g. came from `range.getValue()` or is an element of an array from `range.getValues()`
// Note: indexOf uses strict equality when comparing cell to elements of errorValues, so make sure everything's a primitive...
const errorValues = ["#N/A", "#REF", .... ];
return (errorValues.indexOf(cell) !== -1);
If/when Google Apps Script is upgraded with Array#includes
, that would be a better option than Array#indexOf