My app offers the option to download 3430 high resolution images from our server, each image of size 50k - 600k bytes.
The original approach was to just download all of them - but we realized that gave a lot of NSURLErrorTimedOut errors and crashed our program. We've now implemented it such that we download all of the images, but in batches of 100 images at a time.
- (void)batchDownloadImagesFromServer:(BOOL)downloadHiResImages
[UIApplication sharedApplication].idleTimerDisabled = YES;
[[UIApplication sharedApplication] setNetworkActivityIndicatorVisible:YES];
[self generateImageURLList:YES];
[leafletImageLoaderQueue removeAllObjects];
numberOfThumbnailLeft = [uncachedThumbnailArray count];
numberOfHiResImageLeft = [uncachedHiResImageArray count];
NSLog(@"DEBUG: In batchDownloadImagesFromServer numberOfThumbnailLeft %ul , numberOfHiResImageLeft %ul ", numberOfThumbnailLeft, numberOfHiResImageLeft);
numberOfImagesToDownload = numberOfThumbnailLeft;
if (downloadHiResImages)
numberOfImagesToDownload += numberOfHiResImageLeft;
if (numberTotalToDownload < 0) {
numberTotalToDownload = numberOfHiResImageLeft;
int midBatchCt = 0;
// start where we stopped
NSArray *subArray;
NSRange batchRange;
batchRange.location = 0;//uncachedHiResIndex;
NSInteger uncachedNumber = [uncachedHiResImageArray count];
NSLog(@"uncachedHiResIndex and numberTotalToDownload: %d %d", uncachedHiResIndex, numberTotalToDownload);
if (uncachedHiResIndex >= numberTotalToDownload || batchRange.location >= uncachedNumber) {
// we have reached the end of the uncached hires images
NSLog(@" END of download total to download=%ld , uncachedNumber=%ld, # not downloaded is %ld", (long)numberTotalToDownload, uncachedNumber, (long)numberFailedToDownload);
if (batchRange.location+100 > uncachedNumber) {
NSInteger imagesUntilEnd = uncachedNumber -1;
batchRange.length = imagesUntilEnd;
NSLog(@"this is uncached number: %d this is uncachedhiresindex:%d and this images until end:%d ", uncachedNumber, uncachedHiResIndex, imagesUntilEnd);
} else {
batchRange.length = 100;
NSLog(@" NEW RANGE is from %lul to %lul ", (unsigned long)batchRange.location, batchRange.length);
subArray = [uncachedHiResImageArray subarrayWithRange:batchRange];
if (downloadHiResImages)
for ( LeafletURL* aLeafletURL in subArray )
LeafletImageLoader* hiResImageLoader = [[LeafletImageLoader alloc] initWithDelegate:self];
[leafletImageLoaderQueue addObject:hiResImageLoader]; // do this before making connection!! //
[hiResImageLoader loadImage:aLeafletURL isThumbnail:NO isBatchDownload:YES];
//// Adding object to array already retains it, so it's safe to release it here. ////
[hiResImageLoader release];
if (midBatchCt == 10) {
NSLog(@" Waiting for queued images to download...");
NSLog(@" REMOVED from QUEUE %lul , UncachedIndex %lul", numberRemovedFromQueue, uncachedHiResIndex);
if ( [leafletImageLoaderQueue count] == 0 && numberRemovedFromQueue == numberTotalToDownload) {
if([delegate respondsToSelector:@selector(requestDidBatchDownloadImages:)])
[delegate requestDidBatchDownloadImages:self];
This has resolved most of our issues. However, we would like to test for network connectivity before even beginning batch downloading. I found a low level ping library that gives accurate round-trip timing results. Using the demo code from GBPing as a reference, I wrote my own code to ping our server before we call batchDownloadImagesFromServer
- (IBAction)preloadAll:(id)sender
{ = [GBPing new]; = kDefaultDataServer; = self; = 1; = 0.9;
// setup the ping object (this resolves addresses etc)
[ setupWithBlock:^(BOOL success, NSError *error) {
if (success) {
// start pinging
[ startPinging];
// stop it after 5 seconds
dispatch_after(dispatch_time(DISPATCH_TIME_NOW, (int64_t)(5 * NSEC_PER_SEC)), dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
NSLog(@"stop it");
[ stop]; = nil;
} else {
UIAlertController * alert = [UIAlertController alertControllerWithTitle:@"Internet Connection"
message:@"Not strong enough internet connection"
UIAlertAction* OKButton = [UIAlertAction
handler:^(UIAlertAction * action) {
[downloadManager batchDownloadImagesFromServer:YES];
[alert addAction:OKButton];
[self presentViewController:alert animated:NO completion:nil];
I am completely new to networking. How do I determine the payload size and timeout length for my test considering the batch size and the size of the images?