From Node, I am attempting to use Google Cloud Vision API to analyze an image stored in Google Storage. I have successfully base64 encoded an image and uploaded it but would like to speed up the process by executing against files I have in Google Storage. My Request is so,
{ "requests":[ { "image":{ "source": { "gcsImageUri" : "gs://mybucket/10001.jpg" } }, "features":[ { "type":"LABEL_DETECTION", "maxResults":10 } ] } ] }
but I receive this error from my call,
{ "responses": [ { "error": { "code": 7, "message": "image-annotator::User lacks permission.: ACCESS_DENIED: Anonymous callers do not have storage.objects.get access to object mybucket/10001.jpg." } } ] }
I am not using any google SDK or node_modules for this request, just a Browser API Key and the http module. Is there some permissions I have to set within Cloud Storage to allow Vision API access to the objects in the bucket? If so what would that be, I am new to Google Cloud Platform but have extensive experience with AWS IAM roles.
Thanks, VIPER