Consider the following html fields.
<form style="width:100px" action="phpformposttest.php" method="post">
<input type="text" name="Area">
<input type="text" name="Area2">
<input type="text" name="Zip">
<input type="submit">
Using php, how do i insert ("Area", "Area2", and "Zip") into one column collected from these multiple inputs.
You can insert JSON data.
And insert $json value to database. In PDO :
$sql=$dbh->prepare("INSERT INTO table (column) VALUES(?)");
You can retrieve back Area, Area2 & Zip with json_decode :
echo $arr['Area'];
echo $arr['Area2'];
echo $arr['Zip'];
You can make a single string:
$area1 = $_POST['Area1'];
$area2 = $_POST['Area2'];
$zip = $_POST['Zip'];
//prepare single string
$address = 'Area1: '.$area1.' Area2: '.$area2.' Zip:'.$zip;
//Now insert it into a single column of table
Use implode And explode Function of PHP :-
$arr = array($_POST['Area'], $_POST['Area2'], $_POST['Zip']);
Why not store as separate columns.. It's always easier to leave data apart then to have to parse it. Also having them all together will make it harder to query.