Hi friends I am new to matlab. I came up with a code which can convert all nc files to mat files in one turn. I used a for loop. Everything is fine and I am able to convert all files successfully. But there is a small drawback. All files have same variable name(which appears in workspace). This requires manual renaming. I think this is due to my matlab syntax limitation. I am putting code below. It will be great if you can suggest a way. After fixing, it will be really time saving code for anyone.
%converting nc file to mat file
% Start_year = 1948;
% End_year = 2012;
rainfall_ncep_ncar= cell(1948, 2012);
for i=1948 : 2012
% inputfile = strcat('prate.sfc.gauss.', num2str(i),'.nc');
% disp(inputfile);
rainfall_ncep_ncar{i} = strcat('rainfall_ncep_ncar', num2str(i));
% disp(rainfall_ncep_ncar_{i});
% disp(outfile);
% disp(year);
%clear other existing variables
%Output_filename = '../NCER_precipitation_rate_mat/rainfall_data_' +year;
% check ='../NCER_precipitation_rate_mat/'inputfile;
Input_path =strcat('../NCEP_precipitation_rate_nc/prate.sfc.gauss.', num2str(i),'.nc');
ncid = netcdf.open(Input_path, 'NC_NOWRITE');
prateId = netcdf.inqVarID(ncid, 'prate');
catch exception
if strcmp(exception.identifier,'MATLAB:imagesci:netcdf:libraryFailure')
str = 'prateId not found';
rainfall = netcdf.getVar(ncid,prateId);
%rainfall{i}= netcdf.getVar(ncid,prateId);
Output_file = strcat('rainfall_ncep_ncar_', num2str(i),'.mat');
Output_path = strcat('f2/prate.sfc.gauss.', num2str(i),'.mat');
save(Output_path, 'rainfall');
When I am trying to use
save(Output_path, 'rainfall_ncep_ncar{i}');
In place of
rainfall = netcdf.getVar(ncid,prateId);
save(Output_path, 'rainfall');
It shows following error
run('H:\btp\mexnc files\nc_to_mat_all.m')
Error using save
'rainfall_ncep_ncar{i}' is not a valid variable name.
Error in nc_to_mat_all (line 40)
save(Output_path, 'rainfall_ncep_ncar{i}');
Error in run (line 57)
evalin('caller', [s ';']);
I want to save each file like f2/prate.sfc.gauss.1948.mat and the corresponding variable which comes in workspace as prate.sfc.gauss.1948 or 1948 or something having year. How do I do it??
Thanks in advance !!