I tried it with the following code, but somehow it didn't work for me:
x4 is a dataframe, n1 a character string, and n2 the number of counts per word.
hchart(x4 ,"wordcloud", hcaes(name = "n1", weight = "n2"))
I tried it with the following code, but somehow it didn't work for me:
x4 is a dataframe, n1 a character string, and n2 the number of counts per word.
hchart(x4 ,"wordcloud", hcaes(name = "n1", weight = "n2"))
There is a function for word cloud in highcharter, follow this code
data(reuters, package = "kernlab")
text = paste(
textcld <- text %>%
map(str_to_lower) %>%
reduce(str_c) %>%
str_split("\\s+") %>%
unlist() %>%
data_frame(word = .) %>%
count(word, sort = TRUE) %>%
hchart(textcld, "wordcloud", hcaes(name = word, weight = log(n)))
And should get something like the image below: enter image description here