Trigger script on non manual change/edit to cell -

2019-08-23 04:35发布


I'm using the following script to send an email every time a "No" changes to "Yes" in a particular column.

However this only happens if the cell is manually changed to "Yes", typed into a cell. And triggers based on the on edit UI trigger.

But the cell updates based on a formula that references to another sheet where it takes the "No" and "Yes" from, so there is no manual editing/updating on the cell in this sheet.

How can I get it to send the email without any manual change to cells, only on the change from "No" to "Yes"

Any help would be appreciated.

function sendNotification(e){
  var s = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
  var ss = s.getSheetByName("Order Details")
  if(e.range.getColumn()==3 && e.value=='Yes'){
  var cell = ss.getActiveCell();
  var row = cell.getRow();

  var ordernumber = ss.getRange(row,4).getValue();  //Column D
  var sku = [{}]; sku = ordernumber.toString().split("-")

 var sizewidth = ss.getRange(row,5).getValue();  //Column E
 var sizeheight = ss.getRange(row,6).getValue();  //Column F
 var qty = ss.getRange(row,8).getValue();    //Column H
 var country = ss.getRange(row,10).getValue();  //Column J
 var tube = ss.getRange(row,9).getValue();   //Column I
 var paintingimage = ss.getRange(row,7).getValue();  //Column G
 var orderlink = ('http://testly/Km345TS');

  to: "",
  subject:  country + " New Order No. " + ordernumber, // note the spaces between the quotes...
  //attachment: [file,blob],
  htmlBody: "Hello XYZ,  <br><br>"+
   "Please find order details below. <br><br>"+
    sku[1] + "<br><br>" +
   "Size - Width: " + sizewidth + " x " + "Height: " + sizeheight + "<br><br>"+
   "Quantity - " + qty + "<br><br>"+
   "- It needs to be tube rolled"+ "<br>" +
   "- Shipment to " + country + "<br>" +
   "- Order image is " + paintingimage + "<br><br>" +
   "Please fill in cost and delivery details at this link " + orderlink + "<br><br>" +
   "The order is for a customer from " + country + "<br><br>" +
   "Thanking you, <br>" +

Update: Solution - a big thank you to Ron.

function sendNotification2(){
  var sSheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getSheetByName("Sheet 1");
  var data = sSheet.getRange(2, 1, sSheet.getLastRow(), sSheet.getLastColumn()).getValues(); //get the values of your table, without the header

  for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) {
    var row = data[i];

    var send = row[16];  //Column Q
    var emailSent = row[17];   //Column R
    var ordernumber = row[4];  //Column E
    var country = row[10];  //Column K
    var orderlink = ('http:/testly/Khghgy');
    var shipaddress = row[18];  //Column S

 if (send == "Yes"){
    if (emailSent != EMAIL_SENT) { // Prevents sending duplicates

   to:  "",
  subject:  country + " Ship Order No. " + ordernumber, // note the spaces between the quotes...
  htmlBody: "Hello XYZ,  <br><br>"+

   "Thanking you, <br>" +
  sSheet.getRange(i+2, 18).setValue(EMAIL_SENT);


If you want to have the email triggered on the edit change, you could create a separate function that watches for the edit on the other sheet, and then call the above function to send the email.

Something like:

function onEdit(){
  var s = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
  var ss = s.getSheetByName("Other Sheet Name");
  if(e.range.getColumn()==3 && e.value=='Yes'){  //change this if the data setup is different on the other sheet

The issue is that this setup will then send an email to every 'Yes' on the email sheet. This can be rectified using an 'Email_Sent' indicator (you can look that up - lots of examples available).

**Another option, as I mentioned in the last question, would be to have the sendNotification function triggered every minute, 5 minutes, 10 minutes, or ??? This won't provide immediate emails, but it would be nearly so.