there is a neat feature that allows one to see the parameters of a macro function and its definitions when typing.
For example if I execute:
%macro test
(a /* this is a */
,b /* this is b */
%put a b;
And then type %test(
, a popup will show me "a : this is a" etc...
Unfortunately for some reason it seems to work only IF the macro function was defined in the current program (so basically in the only place where you don't really need it, as in that case it should be quite fresh in your mind).
Is there any way to benefit from this feature in other programs and other process flows ?
More importantly, how can I benefit from this feature for my stored compiled macros ?
Say for example I defined in another session :
options mstored sasmstore=mylib;
%macro test2
(c /* this is c */
,d /* this is d */
) / store source des='show c and d';
%put c d;
I suppose a workaround would be to create a macro %redefine_all
that would go through the catalog and execute every stored macro definition, but that's quite ugly and I'm not completely sure how I'd go at it...