How to select records (which have comma separated

2019-08-23 03:19发布



Output should give only the following (row 2 of table1)


I should

select column1 from table1 
where <any comma separated value in column1> not in
(select col2 from table2 where col1 = 'e')

Preferable solution is native SQL, and nothing vendor specific. If necessary, spark sql functions help.

NOTE: I understand this is bad design, but this is out of my hands.

NOTE The table in FIDDLE is created using default setting of MySQL. I do not know how the tables are created at the backend. That is why I am specifying that this should not be vendor specific.


You should fix your data structure! Storing lists of values in a single column is not the appropriate way to store data in SQL. You should be using a junction/association table.

You can do what you want using not exists:

select t1.column1
from table1 t1
where not exists (select 1
                  from table2 t2
                  where ',' || t1.column || ',' like '%,' || t2.value || ',%'

SparkSQL may also support find_in_set(), in which case you can do:

select t1.column1
from table1 t1
where not exists (select 1
                  from table2 t2
                  where find_in_set(t1.column, t2.value) > 0

Here is a db<>fiddle.


The following correlated subquery works for my case. Can test it out in the fiddle above.

select *
from table1 as t1
where (
    select  t2.col2
    from    table2  as  t2
    where   t1.column1 like concat('%', t2.col2 ,'%')
    and t2.col1 = 'e'
    limit 1
    ) is NULL;