I have no idea where to start diagnosing and fixing this:
$ bin/django celeryd -l DEBUG -v 3
-------------- celery@lucid32 v3.0.3 (Chiastic Slide)
---- **** -----
--- * *** * -- [Configuration]
-- * - **** --- . broker: django://localhost//
- ** ---------- . app: default:0x8b0aa4c (djcelery.loaders.DjangoLoader)
- ** ---------- . concurrency: 1 (processes)
- ** ---------- . events: OFF (enable -E to monitor this worker)
- ** ----------
- *** --- * --- [Queues]
-- ******* ---- . celery: exchange:celery(direct) binding:celery
--- ***** -----
. celery.backend_cleanup
. celery.chain
. celery.chord
. celery.chord_unlock
. celery.chunks
. celery.group
. celery.map
. celery.starmap
. tardis_portal.make_local_copy
. tardis_portal.verify_as_remote
. tardis_portal.verify_files
[2012-07-25 18:27:37,168: DEBUG/MainProcess] [Worker] Loading modules.
[2012-07-25 18:27:37,173: DEBUG/MainProcess] [Worker] Claiming components.
[2012-07-25 18:27:37,173: DEBUG/MainProcess] [Worker] Building boot step graph.
[2012-07-25 18:27:37,173: DEBUG/MainProcess] [Worker] New boot order: {ev, queues, pool, mediator, beat, autoreloader, timers, state-db, autoscaler, consumer}
[2012-07-25 18:27:37,174: DEBUG/MainProcess] Starting celery.concurrency.processes.TaskPool...
[2012-07-25 18:27:37,229: DEBUG/MainProcess] celery.concurrency.processes.TaskPool OK!
[2012-07-25 18:27:37,233: DEBUG/MainProcess] Starting celery.worker.mediator.Mediator...
[2012-07-25 18:27:37,235: DEBUG/MainProcess] celery.worker.mediator.Mediator OK!
[2012-07-25 18:27:37,236: DEBUG/MainProcess] Starting celery.worker.consumer.BlockingConsumer...
[2012-07-25 18:27:37,236: WARNING/MainProcess] celery@lucid32 has started.
[2012-07-25 18:27:37,237: DEBUG/MainProcess] Consumer: Re-establishing connection to the broker...
[2012-07-25 18:27:37,242: DEBUG/MainProcess] Consumer: Connection established.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<string>", line 1, in <module>
ImportError: No module named billiard.forking
[2012-07-25 18:27:37,287: DEBUG/MainProcess] Consumer: basic.qos: prefetch_count->4
[2012-07-25 18:27:37,298: DEBUG/MainProcess] Consumer: Ready to accept tasks!
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<string>", line 1, in <module>
ImportError: No module named billiard.forking
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<string>", line 1, in <module>
ImportError: No module named billiard.forking
I don't know what Billiard is, other than that it's some process multiforking component used by Django. Since there's so little context given I don't know whether I'm looking at an error in Django or in my app.
The appropriate forking.py is present in ./eggs/billiard-
. Running bin/django shell
then import billiard.forking
executes correctly.
So, presumably some child process is being spawned with the wrong environment and not finding billiard.forking.
The application is here.