Anybody knows the trick to show different themeing for different country peoples.
For example if my store is loaded in US i want to show the us_mystore theme and the same store viewed in India then i would like to show myindia theme. How can i achieve this.
Please suggest me a idea
I would have a "Store View" for each country/language then chose which view to use based on IP address or "Accept-Language" HTTP header. This is possible both programmatically with a module or by setting a store code from .htaccess.
Example: Detecting language from .htaccess
Based on the apache manual you could do something like this. It has the benefit of using the customer's preference set in their browser even when they're physically outside their country.
SetEnvIf Accept-Language "^en" MAGE_RUN_CODE=english
SetEnvIf Accept-Language "^hi" MAGE_RUN_CODE=hindi
Determining country by IP address is less accurate and needs more maintenance as IP address ranges change over time.