I'm listing files from a directory, then parsing a timestamp out of their filename. I then need to process the files in order. I tried to use the EnforceOrder processor, but it's not designed to enforce order when there are large numerical gaps between the elements, like there would be in timestamps. The Priority Attribute Prioritizer has other issues...
- It processes higher priorities first, so it would process them in reverse.
- I dont see that it has any ability to queue for a certain period of time. So unless files were all dropped at the same time, it couldn't guarantee the order.
Is there a recommended approach for what I'm attempting to do?
Filenames would have a timestamp with some specified format (below is MM-dd-yyyy)
- MyFile_11-30-2018.txt
- MyFile_3-28-2018.txt
They need to be processed in order chronologically based on that timestamp. So for those two files, the second one would need to be processed before the first.